DeVore Technologies International provides product and process certifications. We are experts in the fields of CE evaluations and certifications, UK evaluations and certifications, equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres including evaluations and certifications as well as US and Canadian evaluations and registrations. Product Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) evaluations are also available.
Our intent is to provide solutions to our customers focusing on the need and their expected time to market. Our Team is committed to having you succeed and supporting you throughout the process and as long as the business relationship continues. DTI provides extraordinary customer support.
DeVore Technologies International’s personnel are specialists in their fields, providing you with real life experience and expertise. From Engineering, evaluations, certifications, quality systems development, FMEAs and more. As part of our preparation activities, we work with you to ensure that every function we perform has a well defined technical, quality, and business goal ensuring success and time to market strategies. That alone sets us apart from other evaluation and certification organizations.
DeVore Technologies International will give you the Competitive Advantage
- With the backgrounds of our Team and over 35 years of technology under our belts we will cut through the red tape. We make sure you get to market as quickly as possible by first laying out a clear path to success. This will reduce the steps to the minimum requirements. Move the process along at a pace that you want it to move. Remember the phrase KIS. Keep it Simple. That is our path. Minimum and simple. We realize that in today’s manufacturing world people wear many hats and complexity is the last thing they need. You can count on DTI to keep you on the straight and narrow path of success.
We have the knowledge and experience to take out the fear of tasks before you begin
- DTI will put in place the experience that is practical along with the education so that when our part is near its end, you will have a clear path to meet your goal. Whether it be a need for a modernized or custom QA system, product or Quality audits, EMC or Product Safety Certification we know how to sort through the messiness of it all and find the best direction for you.
We will work under your budget constraints
- Certification Bodies and Test Labs may over test. You may be paying for more than you need. From the very beginning, DTI will sort out the true needs and begin with the minimum requirements. Those can be built upon by you as the customer if needed. However, only at your request – not a rule set out by a lab.
We will work out your problems and provide solutions
- Certification Bodies test and walk away. DTI will not only do the work but provide you support as you implement your systems and provide extraordinary customer support as you need it in a timely manner. You can sit back and have the comfort knowing that we will get answers and solutions to your problems.
We will make you the winner in the end
- In today’s business world employees wear many hats and have many responsibilities. With DTI at the lead we will do the work. We will provide solutions and relief some of those anxieties. We will get you to market as quickly as possible. In the end – you are the winner. To us, that is a win-win scenario.
We have the practical experience & background to tie the technology to the business
- We are and have worked in the fields of Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Strategic Planning, Product Certification, Process Certifications, Explosive Atmospheres, Design and Manufacturing Engineering as well as Production Control and Assembly in the areas of JIT, Lean Manufacturing and Kanban. No other lab can take you to the goal faster than that. With this vast knowledge rolled in with the knowledge of product and process compliance, Devore Technologies International will cut that red tape into small pieces and move through the processes as quickly as possible.
We work with Notified Bodies
- Not all Testing Laboratories can do everything needed. You may have a product certification need that requires the usage of a Notified Body. We know who to use and how to make it happen. Again, a solution provider.
DeVore Technologies International makes the difference
- You will find comfort and peace by turning over your project to DTI knowing that we have done this many times before for many clients. Since 2009 we have helped almost 1,000 companies succeed. You can sit back and concentrate on your current needs of your company. Let us fight the war. No other company can offer this type of service with the experience and know-how as well as DTI does.
DeVore Technologies International has value in price
- Companies can spend tens of thousands of dollars or more if the right choices are not correct from the start. We will save you money. We will make you money faster since we can get to the end result quicker and with less effort on your part.
DeVore Technologies International product is Service. We know Service
- Being in the business for over 35 years we know how you want to be treated and helped. Everyone wants the same thing. Even DTI. Be treated like you want and deserve to be treated. You are the customer. Let us drive the bus and you can enjoy the ride.
We will get you to Market Faster
- Take all of the above and roll it all together. What does it all mean?
- Get where you need to be faster
- Save money
- Get your product to market closer to your timeline than you thought possible
- Realize a Return on your Investment quicker than you ever thought possible
We have worked with hundreds of clients and we are ready to help you
- Just one of the returns is that we have had clients thank us when their failure rates have decreased and their field returns reduce or are eliminated due to latent defects that dwindle to nothing.
We know Project Management
- Due to our experience we know Project Management. We can move your project through faster than anyone else.
In Summary
- DeVore Technologies International makes the difference in what you get in return for your investment.
- Testing laboratories make their money by testing more. Most labs over test. Let DTI research the minimum requirements for your compliance needs. Saving you money each time.
- DeVore Technologies can take your product line and break it into families the selecting the family representative for each group. Again – saving you time and money again by the evaluation of one or two product family members rather than evaluating more than necessary.
- DeVore Technologies International works with you until the job is finished and will be there to support you when you need it. We are just an email or phone call away.
- DeVore Technologies International will tie all the loose ends together.
- DTI will develop your European Technical Documentation File and even your Declaration of Conformity or Declaration of Incorporation. Not a problem. Again – providing a solution to the problem.
- What ever is required to meet the need and requirements that you may have – We have you covered.